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Chapter 17 Section 3 Luther Leads the Reformation Before You Read as You Read

The English Reformation was ane of many smaller reformations of the Roman Catholic church that budded from the larger Reformation happening throughout Europe. In cursory, the European Reformation entailed the split from the Roman Catholic church which was instigated by Martin Luther, a priest who was securely dissatisfied with the inner workings of Catholicism.  Although Martin Luther himself ignited the initial conflict of the Reformation by nailing his 95 theses to the door of a church, many people around Europe wanted modify. On some level, about everyone had been disappointed with the church's bureaucracy, airs, and corruption of power. Many thought that reform was the merely way to restore the ecclesiastical community to a more balanced position. The English Reformation though, was more than centered around governmental power than theological disputes.  It was the culmination of a serial of events in the 16th century in which the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church building.

The ring leader of this reformation was Henry Viii, who took the throne in 1509 at age 17. His showtime matrimony was to his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon, a devout and very pious Catholic.   Henry was a faithful Catholic past birth, who didn't doubt his religion until he began an illicit romance with Anne Boleyn, who arrived in court in 1522.   Anne had been Queen Catherine's Lady in Waiting, and as a follower of Martin Luther, was thus a threat to Henry's chancellor, Thomas Wolsey, who supported the Catholic church.  Considering of Catherine'southward presumed inability to produce a male heir, Henry wanted his wedlock to her annulled in the belatedly 1520's.  When Henry asked Pope Clement Vii to annul the spousal relationship, the Pope refused according to Canon Police, (a set of rules created by Cosmic authority), which did not allow the annulment of marriages under any circumstance. Henry, however, was not ready to surrender.  He claimed that since the two had gotten a special "ok" from Pope Julius II to let their wedding ceremony in the first place, equally he was marrying his brother'southward widow, his spousal relationship to Catherine had been ethically "wrong" from the start.   Unfortunately for Henry though, this line of reasoning did not persuade the Pope.

In addition to Anne Boleyn'south charms, the death of Cardinal Wolsey added to Henry's growing doubts well-nigh Catholicism. One time his chief counselor was not there to advise him any longer, he began to open up to all kinds of new ideas. At the time, this meant many of Luther's ideas, which were not totally against disparateness. Since Henry was still pushing to rescind his matrimony, Parliament eventually had to deal with the King's wish. Thomas Cromwell, and then came into the picture. Cromwell was a lawyer and member of parliament as well every bit a Lutheran evangelical who, amongst other things, wanted to abolish various privileges of the Pope. Cromwell and Henry soon became quite close, considering their mutual desire to advance the ability of the English throne in opposition to the Pope. The ultimate upshot of this collaboration was the advocacy of the Royal Supremacy, which was the movement to switch power from the hands of the Pope to the monarch of England.
After years of no change in his quest for annulment, Henry wanted to ignore the Pope's refusal to annul his marriage, and instead let parliament empower the archbishop to do so. Parliament, of class, refused to let this happen considering that not everyone agreed with Henry's desires. Then instead, Henry was "forced" to bully the priests into abiding by his wishes. In doing this, Henry charged the unabridged clergy with the law-breaking of praemunire (asserting obedience to a foreign ruler, the Pope, as opposed to the Male monarch of England). Forth with this charge came a huge fine which ultimately threatened to bankrupt the monasteries and abbeys of England. After some quarreling over the weather of the payment of these fines, Henry finally wrangled the clergy into like-minded to a five year payment plan, as long as they abided by a set of 5 rules that the Rex dictated.

Henry wanted the clergy to recognize him as the "Supreme Head of the Church and Clergy of England". He as well wanted the right to make religious laws, to have immunity, privilege, and consummate power over the constabulary. Finally, Henry wanted his bullying of the clergy to announced as if it had never happened, so he pardoned all charges upon the clergy and laity. In 1531, these v conditions were agreed upon and Henry was paid the coin, and thus granted his disparateness.

Soon after this, Cromwell presented to Parliament the Supplication Confronting the Ordinaries, which listed nine injustices of the Catholic church building. In response to this, the power of making laws was taken away from the Catholic church past an act called Submission of the Clergy. This human action recognized that Royal Supremacy (Henry as King) ruled over the church, so it could no longer brand catechism constabulary without consulting the King first. Soon, even taxes to Rome were revoked, and Cromwell declared England an independent country in every respect. This was non a smooth process at all.  Sir Thomas More than, Henry'due south chancellor, was a very vocal opponent of Cromwell and resigned in indignation when Cromwell's communication was taken above his own. This left Cromwell and his Lutheran ideology equally the Male monarch'southward chief advisor.

In 1534 The Act of Supremacy was invoked. This act was seen equally function of a broader policy aimed at increasing the power of the electric current monarch, and trying to push button Rome even further away. It declared that the monarch of England was "the only supreme head on world of the Church in England" and that the English crown would boast "all honours, dignities, preeminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits, and commodities to said dignity". In the trunk of the Act, Parliament is non mentioned and it is made clear that Parliament is not granting the Male monarch this championship, but that Henry himself has asserted this statute as a fact. This small-scale detail included in the act is just some other example of Henry's proclamation of his power over everyone.  Afterwards all the conflict Henry waded through in his starting time annulment, The Act of Supremacy was a sort of confirmation and official documentation which confirmed his power over the church building and even people of England. By now, the Catholic Church building was completely stripped of its rule over United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.

Although a Reformation had been brewing for over a century, the Human activity of Supremacy marked the beginning of the English language Reformation as a whole. By intertwining the church and state so intricately together, support for Catholicism became not merely an expression of personal religious views, but a refutation of the say-so of the King and thus a treasonable deed. In a style, this personalization of politics to the crown, made information technology and then that if y'all believed something dissimilar from the monarch, you lot were therefore against your country entirely. Every bit a result, Catholicism was outlawed and greatly suppressed until much later in the Reformation. If information technology weren't for Male monarch Henry's Human action of Supremacy all those years ago, England, and America for that matter, might accept an entirely different religion even today.

While the English Reformation was preceded, and stimulated by developments in continental Europe, it took a unique form: information technology was led by the King of England, whose motives were securely personal as well equally political. This Reformation created a new state religion, the Anglican Church, and moved England to a new level of independence in relation to the power of Rome. The Anglican Church in England and the Episcopal Church building elsewhere stand today every bit products of this far reaching historical development. Furthermore, the spirit of political independence, which this development reflects, might be considered as an influential precursor to the independence of England's American colonies 150 years later.

The Act of Supremacy

"Albeit the king's Majesty justly and rightfully is and ought to be the supreme head of the Church of England, and and so is recognized by the clergy of this realm in their convocations [gatherings], yet all the same, for corroboration [their opinion] and confirmation thereof, and for increase of virtue in Christ's organized religion within this realm of England, and to repress and extirpate [destroy completely] all errors, heresies [dissimilar opinions], and other enormities and abuses heretofore used in the same, exist it enacted, by authority of this present Parliament, that the king, our sovereign lord, his heirs and successors, kings of this realm, shall be taken, accepted, and reputed the merely supreme caput in globe of the Church building of England, chosen Anglicans Ecclesia; and shall take and savor, annexed and united [given] to the purple crown of this realm, too the title and style thereof, equally all honors, dignities, preeminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits, and bolt to the said dignity of the supreme head of the aforementioned Church belonging and appertaining [relating to]; and that our said sovereign lord, his heirs and successors, kings of this realm, shall accept full power and authorisation from time to fourth dimension to visit, repress, redress, record, order, correct, restrain, and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses, offenses, contempts and enormities, whatsoever they be, which past any manner of spiritual dominance or jurisdiction ought or may lawfully be reformed, repressed, ordered, redressed, corrected, restrained, or amended, most to the pleasure of Omnipotent God, the increment of virtue in Christ'south organized religion, and for the conservation of the peace, unity, and tranquility of this realm; whatsoever usage, foreign land, strange authority, prescription, or whatsoever other thing or things to the contrary hereof notwithstanding."

Works Cited

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